
Date of email delivery that can be presented in various formats and be time-shifted.

{{DATE "this email was sent on DAY_ORDINATED of MONTH_NAME, it was DAY_NAME"}} 

(will insert "this email was sent on 11th of July, it was Friday")

Format part can contain special tokens (uppercased!) that will be replaced with date parts.

  • CENTURY – For example "21".
  • YEAR – For example "2012".
  • YEAR_SHORT – For example "10".
  • MONTH – From "01" to "12".
  • MONTH_NAME – From "January" to "December".
  • MONTH_NAME_SHORT – From "Jan" to "Dec".
  • DAY – From "01" to "31".
  • DAY_NAME – From "Monday" to "Sunday".
  • DAY_NAME_SHORT – From "Mon" to "Sun".
  • HOUR – From "00" to "23".
  • MINUTE – From "00" to "59".
  • SECOND – From "00" to "59".

Format can also contain every other character except double quotes and back-tick to format date.

Hint: You can get rid of leading zeroes by suffixing numeric token with _NONZERO.

  • HOUR_NONZERO – From "0" to "23".

Hint: You can ordinate numeric token value by suffixing it with _ORDINATED.

  • DAY_ORDINATED – From "1st", "2nd", "3rd" to "31st".

Ordinated values are always stripped of leading zeros.

Warning: You cannot use _NONZERO or _ORDINATED with naming tokens like DAY_NAME.

Hint: Date supports time-shift.


Offset must be given as "+" or "-" sign, value of time shift and unit of time shift. Allowed units are.

  • YEAR(S) – 365 days.
  • MONTH(S) – 30 days.
  • DAY(S)
  • HOUR(S)

Total amount of time shift cannot exceed +/-16 years. If it does then unmodified date will be inserted into a message.

Hint: Date is presented in contact time zone. If it is not known then user time zone is used.


WARNING: this function is deprecated and will be removed on 2021-05-01.

Countdown to/since given timestamp or contact subscription date.

{{TIMER "2012-12-21 00:00:00" "DAYS_UNIT HOURS_UNIT to the end of the world" "World ended DAYS days ago"}} 

(will insert "291 days 7 hours to the end of the world" at the moment this doc was created and will insert "World ended 32 days ago" when it is 32 days after the timestamp date)

{{TIMER "added_on" "" "You signed up DAYS_UNIT ago"}} 

(will insert "You signed up 35 days ago")

First param is timestamp that can be provided as:

  • Date and time - "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" - must be in UTC time zone.
  • Date - "YYYY-MM-DD" - must be in UTC time zone.
  • Contact subscription date - "added_on"

Second / third params (both are mandatory, even if empty) are future / past formats. They are displayed if the message was sent before / after given timestamp. Those formats can contain special tokens that will be replaces with amounts of those units.

  • YEARS - 365 days.
  • MONTHS – 30 days.
  • DAYS

Hint: If you want unit name along with numeric value suffix token with _UNIT, for example:

{{TIMER "2010-01-01 00:00:00" "HOURS_UNIT" ""}} 

(will insert "8 hours")

Hint: Tokens are greedy. It means that you do not have to use all of them in formats. Tokens you use can "consume" amount of time in a smart way.

{{TIMER "2010-01-01 00:00:00" "HOURS_UNIT" ""}} 

(will insert "49 hours")

{{TIMER "2001-01-01 00:00:00" "DAYS_UNIT and HOURS_UNIT" ""}} 

(will insert "2 days and 1 hour" because DAYS token "consumed" 48 hours)