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Contact custom fields

Merge-words for contact custom (additional) fields.

{{CUSTOM "car"}}

Prettifiers are allowed.

Contact custom fields can be defined on GetResponse WWW or by GetResponse API. Empty string is inserted into the message on undefined value. This behavior can be changed by providing default value.

{{CUSTOM "car" "your car"}}

Contact tags

Merge-words for contact tags.

{{TAG "responsive"}}

Tags can be defined by GetResponse API. Empty string is inserted into the message on undefined value. This merge-word is especially useful in conditions.

Contact geo location

Geo location info based on contact IP (if available).

{{GEO "country"}}

Supported tokens:

  • latitude
  • longitude
  • country_code
  • country
  • city
  • region
  • postal_code
  • dma_code
  • continent_code
  • time_zone - Given as name, not as offset. For example "Europe/Warsaw".

Prettifiers are allowed.

Empty string is inserted into the message on undefined value. This behavior can be changed by providing default value.

{{GEO "city" "Your city"}}

Contact subscription date

Contact subscription date that can be presented in various formats.

{{ADDED_ON "you subscribed on DAY_ORDINATED of MONTH_NAME, it was DAY_NAME"}}

(will insert "you subscribed on 11th of July, it was Friday")

Format part can contain special tokens (uppercased!) that will be replaced with date parts.

  • CENTURY – For example "21".
  • YEAR – For example "2012".
  • YEAR_SHORT – For example "10".
  • MONTH – From "01" to "12".
  • MONTH_NAME – From "January" to "December".
  • MONTH_NAME_SHORT – From "Jan" to "Dec".
  • DAY – From "01" to "31".
  • DAY_NAME – From "Monday" to "Sunday".
  • DAY_NAME_SHORT – From "Mon" to "Sun".
  • HOUR – From "00" to "23".
  • MINUTE – From "00" to "59".
  • SECOND – From "00" to "59".

Format can also contain every other character except double quotes and back-tick to format date.


You can get rid of leading zeroes by suffixing numeric token with _NONZERO.

  • HOUR_NONZERO – From "0" to "23".


You can ordinate numeric token value by suffixing it with _ORDINATED.

  • DAY_ORDINATED – From "1st", "2nd", "3rd" to "31st".

Ordinated values are always stripped of leading zeros.


You cannot use _NONZERO or _ORDINATED with naming tokens like DAY_NAME.


Date is presented in contact time zone. If it is not known then user time zone is used.