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Limits & throttling

GetResponse API calls are subject to throttling to ensure a high level of service for all users.

Time frame

Time frame is a period of time for which we calculate the API call limits. The limits reset in every time frame.

The time frame duration is 10 minutes.

Basic rate limits

Each user is allowed to make 30,000 API calls per time frame (10 minutes) and 80 API calls per second.

Parallel requests limit

It is possible to send up to 10 simultaneous requests.


Every API response includes a few additional headers:

  • X-RateLimit-Limit – the total number of requests available per time frame
  • X-RateLimit-Remaining – the number of requests left in the current time frame
  • X-RateLimit-Reset – seconds left in the current time frame


The 429 Too Many Requests HTTP response code indicates that the limit has been reached. The error response includes currentLimit and timeToReset fields in the context section, with the total number of requests available per time frame and seconds left in the current time frame respectively.

Reaching the limit

When you reach the limit, you need to wait for the time specified in timeToReset field or X-RateLimit-Reset header before making another request.