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GetResponse and GetResponse MAX API - differences

The GetResponse application uses two environments: GetResponse and GetResponse MAX. GetResponse MAX is a platform for enterprise type of businesses seeking scalable, high-performance solutions.

There are some differences between those two environments, including in API.

How to start with API

You should first create your GetResponse account. After you’ve created the account, you have access to the API key generating function, and other settings in your Panel. Depending on your package or add-ons, you can set User accounts. Every User can have their separate API key. Users have access to the account’s functions, though the account owner (admin) can restrict their access.

In GetResponse MAX, the Account Owner can create Accounts. Please note that Accounts are completely separate, with their own campaigns (lists), messages etc. You can’t access one Account's data from another Account. Within an Account, you can add Users, with the same rules and permissions as in the GetResponse' 'Users feature. Note: For API purposes, create a User separate from the Account space and don’t assign multiple Accounts to this User.

When you become a GetResponse MAX customer, you work with a dedicated Account Manager. Please don’t hesitate to ask our experts for advice.

API Endpoint

API endpoint (or base URL) is always the same for GetResponse users:

v3 is the current version of our API.

GetResponse MAX platform

For the GetResponse MAX platform, the user’s endpoint is different. There are two different URLs, and any GetResponse MAX user who wants to connect to our API should contact their Account Manager to confirm which URL they should use. Note the getresponse360 part of the URL.



GetResponse MAX customers have to add the X-Domain to all request headers. For example:


Please note that the header must only contain the domain name, without the protocol identifier (http:// or https://). Please refer to the Authentication reference for details.


There are some differences when authenticating GetResponse MAX users:

  • the application must redirect to a page in the client’s custom domain, for example:
  • token requests have to be sent to one of the GetResponse MAX APIv3 endpoints (depending on the client’s environment),
  • token requests have to include an X-Domain header,
  • the application has to be registered in a GetResponse MAX account within the same environment.

Please refer to Using OAuth 2.0 for details.