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  • action - Always survey.
  • account_login
  • campaign_name
  • MESSAGE_ID (optional) - Present if survey was sent in email message.
  • message_name (optional) - Present if survey was sent in email message.
  • message_subject (optional) - Present if survey was sent in email message.
  • survey_name
  • survey_title (optional)
  • question_name
  • question_answer (optional) - Present if question is of text type.
  • OPTION_ID (optional) - Present if question has predetermined options to select.
  • option_name (optional) - Present if question has predetermined options to select.
  • CONTACT_ID (optional) - Present if survey was sent in email message.
  • contact_name (optional) - Present if survey was sent in email message.
  • contact_email (optional) - Present if survey was sent in email message.


Every answer generates a separate callback. So if you have a survey with one text question, one question with a single select answer and one question with three, multi select answers you may receive up to 5 callbacks for one contact filling out this survey. It also means that the survey does not have to be completed by a contact to generate callbacks.