We're upgrading our ecommerce methods soon. If possible, please wait until we announce the new version. If you already use our ecommerce code, please note you'll soon need to rewrite the parts that refer to our ecommerce solution.


Get list of all Shops.

Returns status code


Example Response

        "shopId": "Kv",
        "name": "My shop",
        "locale": "pl",
        "createdAt": "2016-07-01T07:53:21+0000",
        "updatedAt": "2016-08-01T10:23:24+0000"
        "shopId": "tG",
        "name": "My shop 2",
        "locale": "en",
        "createdAt": "2016-07-01T07:53:21+0000",
        "updatedAt": "2016-08-01T10:23:24+0000"

We're upgrading our ecommerce methods soon. If possible, please wait until we announce the new version. If you already use our ecommerce code, please note you'll soon need to rewrite the parts that refer to our ecommerce solution.


Allows you to update shop preferences. You should send only those fields that need to be changed. The rest of the properties remain the same.

Returns status code


Example Request Body

    "name": "My shop updated",
    "locale": "en"

Body params

Field nameField typeField description
namestringName of the shop (4 to 124 characters)
localestringLanguage locale ( ISO 639-1 )

Example Response

    "shopId": "Kv",
    "name": "My shop",
    "locale": "pl",
    "createdAt": "2016-07-01T07:53:21+0000",
    "updatedAt": null

Possible Errors

We're upgrading our ecommerce methods soon. If possible, please wait until we announce the new version. If you already use our ecommerce code, please note you'll soon need to rewrite the parts that refer to our ecommerce solution.


This call allows you to create a new shop

Returns status code


Example Request Body

    "name": "My shop",
    "locale": "pl"

Body params

Field nameField typeField description
name (required)stringName of the shop (4 to 124 characters)
locale (required)stringLanguage locale ( ISO 639-1 )

Example Response

    "shopId": "Kv",
    "name": "My shop",
    "locale": "pl",
    "createdAt": "2016-07-01T07:53:21+0000",
    "updatedAt": null

Possible Errors

We're upgrading our ecommerce methods soon. If possible, please wait until we announce the new version. If you already use our ecommerce code, please note you'll soon need to rewrite the parts that refer to our ecommerce solution.


This call allows you to create a new cart for a given shop. Only one cart per shop is allowed. Only the contactId parameter is required. ExternalId and CartUrl parameters are optional. Contact Id must be an existing contact in your GetResponse account.

Returns status code


Example Request Body

    "contactId": "Mxui",
    "externalId": "123sdf",
    "cartUrl": "http://someurl.com"

Body params

Field nameField typeField description
contactId (required)stringId of contact that made purchase
externalId (required)stringExternal id
cartUrlstringUrl address of cart

Example Response

    "cartId": "Kv",
    "contactId": "Mxui",
    "externalId": "123sdf",
    "cartUrl": "http://someurl.com",
    "createdAt": "2016-07-01T07:53:21+0000",
    "updatedAt": null

Possible Errors

We're upgrading our ecommerce methods soon. If possible, please wait until we announce the new version. If you already use our ecommerce code, please note you'll soon need to rewrite the parts that refer to our ecommerce solution.


Delete cart entity

Returns status code


We're upgrading our ecommerce methods soon. If possible, please wait until we announce the new version. If you already use our ecommerce code, please note you'll soon need to rewrite the parts that refer to our ecommerce solution.


Register purchase for given shop and contact.

Returns status code


Example Request Body

    "contactId": "QBDL9J",
    "externalId": "23423423423423",
    "purchaseUrl": "http://example.com",
    "cost": {
        "value": 20.5,
        "currency": "USD",
        "shippingCost": 10.23,
        "discount": 10,
        "discountType": "percent"

Body params

Field nameField typeField description
contactId (required)stringId of the contact that made the purchase. Must be a valid contact in your GetResponse account
externalIdstringExternal id
purchaseUrlstringUrl address of purchase
value (required)floatValue of purchase
currency (required)stringCurrency of purchase ( ISO 4217 )
shippingCost (required)floatCost of shipping ( 0 if free shipping )
discountfloatValue of discount, can be percent or fixed value
discountTypestringType of discount, allowed values: percent, value

Possible Errors

We're upgrading our ecommerce methods soon. If possible, please wait until we announce the new version. If you already use our ecommerce code, please note you'll soon need to rewrite the parts that refer to our ecommerce solution.


Allows you to update cart preferences. You should send only those fields that need to be changed. The rest of the properties remain the same.

Returns status code


Example Request Body

    "externalId": "123sdf",
    "cartUrl": "http://someurl.com"

Body params

Field nameField typeField description
externalIdstringExternal id
cartUrlstringUrl address of cart

Example Response

    "cartId": "Kv",
    "contactId": "Mxui",
    "externalId": "123sdf",
    "cartUrl": "http://someurl.com",
    "createdAt": "2016-07-01T07:53:21+0000",
    "updatedAt": "2016-07-01T17:12:14+0000"

Possible Errors